
Protective Barrier Technology:

Protective Biofilm Barriers: Breakthrough Therapies Rapidly Enabled by Disruptive Medical Device Platform

Breakthrough therapies rapidly enabled by disruptive platform technology

Presented by: Eva A. Berkes, MD, Co-Founder and Co-CEO

Quorum Innovations: What We Do.

We present our technology, the Quorum Immunotherapy technology, a customized entire tumor-derived cure. We create a unique immunotherapy payload by fusing cutting-edge genetic technology with tumor cells taken from patients. Our unique bio diffusion chambers (BDCs) are then filled with this payload, which includes customized antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, and made ready for implantation.

Barrier protection is what Quorum Innovations does.

Novel disease target: impaired barriers. Environmental exposures break down protective body barriers, such as our skin and intestinal tract. Breached body barriers result in common and difficult-to-treat diseases. Quorum Innovations Biofilm Barrier Protectants are breakthrough treatments for common conditions like bacterial vaginosis (BV), chronic wounds and the orphan disease, eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE).

Novel disease target: impaired barriers.

exposures break down protective body barriers,
such as our skin and intestinal tract. Breached
body barriers result in common and difficult-to treat diseases.

Novel therapeutics: Barrier protection is what Quorum Innovations does.

Quorum Innovations is the only biotech company in the world developing novel microbiome-based therapeutics to protect and repair impaired barriers. QI Biofilm Barrier Protectants are breakthrough treatments for common conditions like bacterial vaginosis (BV), chronic wounds and the orphan disease, eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE).

Patient admitted to hospital

Antigen signature preparation

Immune system training

Patient leaves hospital

Standard of care proceeds

Unique advantages of the Goldspire™ platform against solid tumors

Full antigenic signature capture

Quorum’s Goldspire™ platform exposes the full antigenic signature of a patient’s tumor to the immune system, providing an opportunity for a broader anti-tumor effect compared with single antigen-targeting therapies.

Broad spectrum immune activation

Quorum’s Goldspire™ platform delivers immunotherapy that is personalized to a patient’s entire unique tumor and incorporates mechanisms that stimulate both the innate and adaptive immune system. This broad-spectrum effect, when used in combination, also may enhance the effects of other immunotherapies.

No ‘off-target’ effects

Quorum’s Goldspire™ platform trains the immune system to comprehensively recognize the full antigenic signature of a patient’s unique tumor. Because the immune system ignores a patient’s own antigens, Quorum’s approach should avoid immune responses not directed to the tumor itself.

Less than 24-hour tissue processing

Quorum’s Goldspire™ platform uses a rapid tumor tissue processing technology to prepare the proprietary BDCs for implantation. By contrast, many emerging therapies targeting one or a small number of antigens require complex manufacturing procedures, such as gene editing and cell expansions, that can take several weeks.

Integrated into the ‘standard of care’

Quorum’s Goldspire™ platform can fit within the existing standard of care for patients with resectable solid tumors. Within days of tumor resection surgery, Quorum processes the tumor cells and the BDCs are then implanted in the patient and explanted 48-hours later. The patient’s immune system training begins immediately, after which they can continue with traditional standard-of-care therapies.

Your Title Here

The problem: Inadequate long-term solutions for barrier diseases

1. Current treatments are symptomatic
2. Underlying pathology – barrier dysfunction – is
not addressed
3. Diseases/symptoms recur despite treatment
4. Treatments can involve undesired exposures
(immunomodulators, hormones or antibiotics)
5. Patients and care providers are not satisfied
6. Result = areas of high therapeutic need

Medical Conditions Table
US Prevalence Cost of Treatment Recurrence Rate Treatment Risks
20%-30% of women ages 14-49 $-$$ Up to 69% in 1 year5 Low
2% of the total population $-$$$ 40% in 6 months6 Low-Mid
60% of all women ages 55+ $-$$ Recurs if ongoing treatment is stopped Low-Mid
0.5-1 per 1,000 people $$$$ Recurs if ongoing treatment is stopped Low-Mid

The Solution: QI Biofilm Barrier Protectants

QI Biofilm Barrier Protectants resolve barrier weakness and associated disease by forming a physical protective layer.

• QI Barrier products are formulated for long-lasting protection of impaired tissues
• The proprietary QI discovery platform ensures a continuous therapeutic pipeline for barrier dysfunction diseases.

Qi Barrier Protectants … Why Now?

• Consumers and Clinicians want safe, effective treatments
• Pharma companies are investing billions of dollars to develop microbiome therapeutics

QI Barrier Protectants … Why now?

Right now, the world is ready for treatments with beneficial microbes.







Right now, a Medical Device development path for QI technology means huge cost and time savings.

Right now, QI technology has competitive advantage protected by its extensive IP over live bacterial therapeutics.

The Annual US Market for QI Barrier Protectants is $6 Billion

QI Barrier Protectant

Bacterial Vaginosis


Symptoms: vaginal
itch, foul smell,

premature labor and
birth, uterine
infection, STDs.

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)


Symptoms: vaginal dryness,
itching, painful sex, urinary
urgency, painful urination,
UTIs, sexual dysfunction.

Complications: Decreased
quality of life, urosepsis,
loss of relationships and

Chronic Wounds


chronic, nonhealing wound.

Decreased quality
of life, scarring,
sepsis, loss of limb,

Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EOE)


Symptoms: difficulty
swallowing, acid

esophageal scarring,
food impaction,

Atopic Dermatitis/Skin Barrier Dysfunction (CPG)


Symptoms: itchy,
dry skin, rash.

recurrent bacterial
decreased quality
of life.

QI Barrier Protectants: Pipeline


Bacterial Vaginosis


Chronic Wounds


Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)


Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EOE)


Atopic Dermatitis/Skin Barrier Deficiency (AD/CPG)

Program Indication Funding MOA Pre-Clinical CMC Pre-Sub Pilot Study Efficacy Study Rights
Qi601 BV Barrier
2024 2025 QI/Pharma Partner
Qi611 CV DARPA Barrier
510k QI
Qi601 GSM Barrier
2024 2025 QI
Qi6/Qi601 EOE Barrier
2025 2025 QI
Qi601 AD/CPG Barrier CPG Commercialized QI

Pre-Sub = FDA Pre-Submission      CMC = Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls      CPG = Consumer Package Goods

First QI Product: QI BV Barrier Protectant

Clinical indication: Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

FDA Approval of
QI BV Medical
Q2 2028

Indication: Management of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in adults 18 years+

First QI Product: QI BV Barrier Protectant

Clinical indication: Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

What It Is:

  • Vaginal Gel
  • Treatment Indication:
    Bacterial Vaginosis

How It Works:

  • QI Lactobacillus Biofilm Tissue Protectant adheres to and protects vaginal tissues
  • Resolves tissue barrier dysfunction
  • Resolves abnormal bacterial colonization in bacterial vaginosis

Why It’s Needed:

  • High recurrence rate (~70%) in 1 year despite use of antibiotics
  • Safer than current standard-of-care treatments
  • Treats the underlying problem–vaginal barrier compromise


QI BV Barrier Protectant Estimated FDA Clearance Date : Q1 2028

Regulatory Strategy

  • Medical Device: Pre-Submission (mid-2024), 510(k) clearance in early 2028
  • De-Novo Application with Breakthrough Status anticipated
  • Cost: ~ $0.5M


  • Novel formulation development in-house
  • Outsourced to CMO in 2024 for clinical trial formulation, commercial scaling
  • Cost: $1M

Medical Device Performance Testing & Manufacturing Design

  • CMO final design development and verification and validation testing in preparation for commercial production; completion by 2027
  • Cost: $2M

Clinical Trials

  • Feasibility clinical trial design, execution and analysis; completion by 2027
  • Cost: $0.5M


Competition BV

QI: the only biotech company developing tissue barrier device treatments


Lupin Pharmaceuticals
Dare Biosciences
Manufacturers of generic antibiotics

secnidazole (oral)
clindamycin (vaginal gel)
metronidazole, clindamycin


LUCA Biologics

L. crispatus
L. crispatus
Live bacterium
Live consortia


Quorum Innovations

QI Barrier Protectant



Speed to market
Intellectual Property
Advanced Development Stage

Device mechanism
Global and broad, to 2040’
25 patents issued


Quorum Innovations

Nicholas T. Monsul, MD.

Co-CEO & Co-Founder

Eva Berkes, MD

Co-CEO, CSO & Co-Founder

Jim Self, MBA


Chris Gardner

Director, R & D

David Whitwell, CPA, MBA


David Salinwanchik, JD

Patent Attorney/ Advisor

Ankur Ghandi

Regulatory Strategy/Product Development

Katie MacFarlane, PharmD

Market Expert / Advisor

Research, Development, and Manufacturing Overview

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Intellectual Property

• Quorum Innovations has over 51 patents issued globally.
• 21 additional patents are pending.
• Patent term extends beyond 2040.

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Personalized Tumor Processing

After surgical removal and transfer to Quorum’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Philadelphia, PA, patient tumor samples undergo rapid tissue processing (i.e., less than 24 hours). Quorum incubates a patient’s tumor cells with antisense and then places the cells in BDCs. These are irradiated with a low dose of radiation before being returned to the hospital for implantation in the patient.

Immune system training

The small biodiffusion chambers (BDCs) are loaded with the patient’s tumor cells (with their full antigen signature) and antisense molecule (IMV-001) to create a personalized combination product that is implanted in the abdomen for approximately 48 hours. During this time, the tumor cells inside the BDCs undergo immunogenic cell death (ICD). ICD causes the release of the full antigenic signature, which diffuses out of the BDC into the patient. In parallel, IMV-001 can downregulate the expression of IGF1R, a cell growth controller commonly overexpressed in tumors. This downregulation may also contribute to tumor cell death.

Data from Quorum’s preclinical studies suggest that the antigens and other immunostimulatory factors released from the BDCs stimulate nearby immune cells. These cells then travel to local lymph nodes to induce long-term adaptive immune responses against remaining tumor tissue in the body.